Monday, March 2, 2009

my new address.

well, i've been at my new home (auntie B's house) for a little over a week. it's been very nice here. i have my choice of sitting spaces, i prefer to sit on the sleeper sofa on my lambs wool pad. i am also loving the run auntie B made me in her backyard... i can chat with at least 5 different neighbors in the backyard.

last night i caught a mouse.. it was frozen and half dead and had wandered into my driveway.. i had it cornered next to the house. i would have eaten it for a snack if auntie B hadn't pulled me away.. it had crawled off by the next time i went outside.

last night i got a bath.. now i smell like coconuts.

more later.. in the meantime, you can send correspondence to me here.


HEK said...

Very Cute Rebecca Wow I can't believe she killed a mouse. Any more accidents? hekd

rb said...

she didn't actually kill the mouse.. she would have.. yes one accident.. she peed on the carpet again.. i dousd it in vinegar.. she better not do it again or she is in trouble.